Friday, February 28, 2014

Surge in General Category a help to Advanced degree ?

Will the surge in applications in the general category due the various factors including the application from students with masters degrees obtained in the United States that do not qualify as Instituted of Higher education as defined in section 101(s) of the HE Act of 1965

Institutions of higher education, as defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, 20 U.S.C. 1001(a);

Under the definition, an institution of higher education is one which: 
  • admits students who have completed secondary education; 
  • is licensed to provide education beyond secondary school; 
  • provides educational programs for which the institutions award bachelors’ degrees or provide programs of not less than 2 years that are acceptable for full credit toward bachelors’ degrees; 
  • is a public or nonprofit institution; and 
  • is accredited or has been granted pre-accreditation status by a recognized accrediting agency 
It is tough to interpret in complete detail but it appears as if the only combinations that is clearly difficult to qualify is (private+forprofit).

I think this would probably mean that their might either be a) no over subscription of the Advanced degree quota or b) greater hit ratio if it goes to the lottery because of a lesser pool.

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